to withdraw - Español Inglés Diccionario

to withdraw

Significados de "to withdraw" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 191 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
withdraw sacar [v]
Irregular Verb
withdraw withdrew - withdrawn [v]
withdraw retirar [v]
withdraw abandonar [v]
withdraw separarse [v]
withdraw recogerse [v]
withdraw volverse atrás [v]
withdraw replegarse [v]
withdraw rescindir [v]
withdraw retirarse [v]
withdraw retractar [v]
withdraw retirar (algo dicho) [v]
withdraw retraerse [v]
withdraw anularse [v]
withdraw into one's shell anularse [v]
withdraw arrinconarse [v]
withdraw from an agreement desacotar [v]
withdraw from mutiny and sedition desamotinarse [v]
withdraw consent desconsentir [v]
withdraw desdecirse [v]
withdraw enconcharse [v]
withdraw into one's shell enconcharse [v]
withdraw esquivarse [v]
withdraw negar [v]
withdraw recogerse [v]
withdraw rehuir [v]
withdraw rehuirse [v]
withdraw replegarse [v]
withdraw rescindir [v]
withdraw retirar [v]
withdraw retraerse [v]
withdraw into one's shell retraerse [v]
withdraw retirada [f]
withdraw apartarse [v]
withdraw replegarse [v]
withdraw back out abrirse [v]
withdraw retraer [v]
withdraw (oneself) retraerse [v]
withdraw from one’s country expatriarse [v]
withdraw encerrarse en uno mismo [v]
withdraw from circulation retirar de circulación [v]
withdraw money retirar dinero [v]
withdraw money sacar dinero [v]
withdraw acuartelarse [v]
withdraw amadrigarse [v]
withdraw from business retirarse de los negocios [v]
withdraw from circulation retirar de la circulación [v]
withdraw from danger retirarse ante un peligro [v]
withdraw from circulation retirarse de la circulación [v]
withdraw from negotiations retirarse de las negociaciones [v]
withdraw replegar [v]
withdraw oneself retraerse [v]
withdraw apartarse [v]
withdraw asacar [v]
withdraw alejarse [v]
withdraw one's favor or protection arrinconar [v]
withdraw a name on account of legal incapacity desencantarar [v]
withdraw from company desgarrarse [v]
withdraw one's affection despegarse [v]
withdraw from a mess (regimental) desrancharse [v]
withdraw a prohibition desacotar [v]
withdraw from an agreement desajustarse [v]
withdraw from mutiny desamotinarse [v]
withdraw a power of attorney desautorizar [v]
withdraw love/affection descariñarse [v]
withdraw from society enconcharse [v]
withdraw esquivarse [v]
withdraw hurtarse [v]
withdraw rehuir [v]
oblige to withdraw (as game) remontar [v]
withdraw quitarse [v]
withdraw from retraerse [v]
withdraw recoger [v]
withdraw sustraerse [v]
withdraw oneself substraerse [v]
withdraw separarse [v]
withdraw privar [v]
withdraw llamar [v]
withdraw distraer [v]
withdraw arrebatar [v]
withdraw desdecirse [v]
withdraw alejarse [v]
withdraw from a race (horse) escrachar [v] PR
withdraw enconchabarse [v] PR
withdraw enconcharse [v] PR
withdraw into one's shell enconchabarse [v] PR
withdraw into one's shell enconcharse [v] PR
withdraw rajarse [v] MX NI
withdraw descontinuar [v] MX GT HN NI CR AN EC PE CL
withdraw fallecer [v] disused
withdraw remanir [v] disused
repudiate or withdraw a former statement cantar la palinodia [v]
withdraw from profession cortarse la coleta [v]
withdraw into one's shell meterse en su concha [v]
withdraw into one's shell meterse en su cascarón [v]
withdraw into one's shell meterse en su carapacho [v]
withdraw into one's shell encerrarse en sí mismo [v]
withdraw into one’s shell encerrarse en su caparazón [v]
withdraw from negotiations romper la baraja [v]
withdraw from competition dejar el campo abierto [v]
withdraw from competition dejar el campo desembarazado [v]
withdraw from competition dejar el campo expedito [v]
withdraw from competition dejar el campo libre [v]
withdraw into oneself encerrarse en sí mismo
withdraw from something volar atrás [v] GT
withdraw dejar de ese tamaño [v] DO VE
withdraw a person from a work or sport activity colgar los botines [v] AR BO UY
withdraw irse para adentro [v] CL
withdraw something from retirar algo de [v]
withdraw to retirarse a [v]
withdraw from retirarse de [v]
withdraw darse de baja [v]
withdraw from the world apartarse del mundo [v]
withdraw from echarse a morir [v]
heist that consists of breaking into a taxi and forcing the passenger to withdraw money from several atms paseo millonario [m] CR CO
withdraw or to become shy (person) entumirse [v] CO:W,Sw derog.
withdraw quitarse [v] CR
withdraw revocar [v]
withdraw dar de baja [v]
withdraw cancelar [v]
withdraw cash girar dinero [v]
withdraw recoger [v]
withdraw retirar [v]
withdraw separarse [v]
withdraw recesar [v]
withdraw retirarse [v]
withdraw from the market retirar del mercado [v]
withdraw a product retirar un producto [v]
withdraw an offer retirar una oferta [v]
withdraw retractar [v]
withdraw cancelar [v]
withdraw extraer [v]
withdraw quitarse [v]
withdraw a bid retirar una propuesta [v]
withdraw an application retirar una solicitud [v]
withdraw funds retirar fondos [v]
withdraw money retirar dinero [v]
withdraw support retirar apoyo [v]
withdraw a takeover bid retirar una oferta de adquisición
withdraw an offer retirar una oferta
withdraw funds retirar fondos
withdraw the claim retirar la reclamación
withdraw cash over the counter sacar dinero en ventanilla
withdraw money from the account retirar dinero de la cuenta [v]
withdraw money from an account retirar dinero de la cuenta [v]
withdraw retirar o sacar dinero de una cuenta
right to withdraw derecho a retirarse
right to withdraw derecho de retiro
withdraw a takeover bid retirar una oferta de adquisición
withdraw excusarse [v]
withdraw authority desautorizar [v]
withdraw inhibirse [v]
withdraw from an action apartarse [v]
withdraw a takeover bid retirar una oferta de absorción [v]
withdraw membership dejar una afiliación [v]
withdraw money from the bank sacar dinero del banco [v]
withdraw the claim retirar la reclamación [v]
withdraw membership desafiliarse [v]
withdraw a motion retirar una moción [v]
withdraw an application retirar una solicitud [v]
withdraw a bid retirar una propuesta [v]
withdraw an offer retirar una oferta [v]
withdraw support retirar apoyo [v]
withdraw charges retirar las acusaciones [v]
withdraw quitarse [v]
withdraw privar de [v]
withdraw inhibirse [v]
withdraw from the labour force salida de la vida activa
withdraw remover [v]
withdraw extraer [v]
withdraw a plug retirar una clavija [v]
withdraw a plug quitar una clavija [v]
withdraw a plug desconectar una clavija [v]
withdraw a plug sacar una clavija [v]
withdraw retirar [v]
withdraw borrarse [v]
withdraw irse [v]
withdraw salir [v]
withdraw a suit desistir del pleito [v]
withdraw funds retirar fondos [v]
withdraw apañarse [v]
withdraw the bit retirar la broca [v]
withdraw arrancar [v]
withdraw desmoldear [v]
withdraw apañar [v]
withdraw a bid rescindir una propuesta [v]
withdraw a charge retirar una acusación [v]
Coil Minting
withdraw from circulation retirar de la circulación
withdraw hacer retirar
withdraw extraer [v]
withdraw sacar [v]